January 3, 2006


December 31st marked the end-of-life date for the once-great Macintosh version of Internet Explorer, which Jeffrey Zeldman hailed nearly six years ago in Why IE5/Mac Matters, as " the first shipping web browser to meaningfully support two key standards: HTML 4, and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Level 1".

Sadly, Microsoft killed the Mac IE project shortly after Apple announced their own browser in January 2003, and as standards evolved and newer, more-compliant browsers became available, Mac IE eventually became a browser no one, not even it's parent, wanted to support.

After January 31st, Microsoft will no longer offer Mac IE 5.x for download. If you have clients who are still hanging on to Mac IE, perhaps because they are stubborn or haven't been able to transition to OS X, you might want to download a build for your archive before it's too late. [OS X, OS 8.1/9]

Posted by Lewis Francis at January 3, 2006 9:53 PM
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